As always, the only way to be truly certain to never contract HPV or any other sexually transmitted disease is to remain abstinent and avoid all sexual intercourse or contact with others. Outside of that, using your head and mouth are the next best options. Be open and honest about your sexual health and discuss it with your partners. Latex condoms, used properly and every time, are a fine barrier for some level of risk reduction, but as you have read from one Piece to another on this site about STDs, they are not fool proof or perfect. And neither are you. If you find yourself with genital warts, remember how common this disease is. Don’t waste one single moment beating yourself up or feeling ashamed, just get your ass to the doctor for treatment…and move on. Shaming yourself has never been proven to remove anal or penile warts.
Finally, never ever have sexual intercourse or contact with another guy(s) until after your genital warts outbreak has been treated, completely cured and your doctor has given you the ok to get back on the field to play. STDs are a natural risk that comes with sexual activity. Most can be treated easily and without much fuss. So enjoy yourself and others, but keep your big head in the game at all times; your anus will thank you.