Incontinence, or the inability to retain urine, is most common in older men but sometimes simple and daily activities such as stress, physical activity or laughter can be a cause for minor or even a major release of urine. Diseases, prostate injury, overactive-bladder syndrome, cancer, and urinary tract infections are some of the more serious causes of involuntary urination. These are grave physical conditions and should be taken very seriously, especially if you are over the age of 50. Those with diabetes are known to produce abnormally large amounts of urine, when overall fluid intake is taken into account.
The flip side of voluntary or involuntary urination is the unwanted retention of fluids, or the strong feeling of having to “go” but the inability to do so. This is another common symptom of aging, but also of more serious conditions such as damage to the bladder, prostate cancer, STD lesions from gonorrhea, and even Parkinson’s disease. But an obstruction of the urethra, having been circumcised, and stress and are also known factors. A visit to your primary physician will determine if you are suffering from an STD, some other treatable illness, or suffering from some type of prostate or bladder condition.
If you are experiencing anything other than the normal feeling of fullness and the need of urine release in your bladder, and sometimes spreading through the shaft of your penis towards the head, immediate medical attention may be required. It is not normal for it to hurt, burn, or tingle when you take a whiz. These are warning signs from your body that should be taken seriously.
The more sexually advanced, or unfortunate, depending on your standpoint, have found that anal intercourse can cause spontaneous urination. This involuntary act is caused by the penetrating penis, dildo or other object massaging the bladder, whether full or partially, until release. In some cases, one may urinate just prior to, or after, ejaculation, during the sexual act. The rarest of individuals may have found that they can piss and cum at the same time. This is very normal, even if a surprise.
Drinking fluids with high concentrations of water is medically advised, especially when you are ill. This higher intake, of course, will produce greater amounts of urination. It is not necessary to only drink water to cleanse the body of toxins.
The elephant in the room for many of you is about water sports, otherwise known as piss play. We didn’t forget to put this topic in this section, rather we will dive deep into this fetish as a Piece in Gay sex ed. But, if you are in a hurry and want a great book to read on the subject, we highly recommend: