For Immediate Release:
New York, New York- September 1
Contact: Joe Perez, [email protected]

Non-profit unveils New Healthcare and Wellness Information Website for Gay Males

On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and the many people that volunteered their talents and time to this amazing new endeavor, we proudly announce the official launch of The Gay Male Journal website.

Right now, like many communities, gay males are living in troubling times and fact based information is key to making the best decisions for our real lives and lifestyles. From changes in healthcare laws, HIV and other STDs to questions about PrEP, #UequalsU, and even drugs, depression and cancer, our community needs more information, not less. Collectively our nation is grappling with issues about gay rights, marriage equality and military service but we must not forget the many challenges gay males still face regarding access to proper healthcare, informed doctors and HIV testing/treatment/care and stigma inside and out of our community.

We are a population living in the shadows of homophobia and racism while also bracing for the short and long term effects of so-called Religious Freedom Laws and The Nashville Statement, all of which will severely affect our ability to be afforded general healthcare and wellness treatment as well as basic insurance coverage. This is combined with a total lack of gay sexual health education and biased research that purposefully excludes us. Gay males of Colour are most at risk, while being subjected to many forms of discrimination and denial of care and information. Having access to research and peer reviewed scientific materials can literally make the difference between life and death for many of us, and our brothers. The Gay Male Journal (GMJ) website does just that.


About the Website

The GMJ website is like nothing you’ve ever seen before in The United States: A total website created by and for gay males about the healthcare and social issues we face daily, without fluff, celebrity gossip or a comments section. We go beyond cultural sensitivity and focus on cultural knowledge, competence and participation. The site is fun, bright, easy to navigate and search as well as racially representative of our entire community. We value facts over fear and include a bit of humor to make the tough parts go down easier. It’s written in plain English, accented with anatomically correct photographs and linked-back to the research used to create the articles. Crafted around the dual departments of The News Room and The Library we provide General~Sex Education~Mental and Wellness healthcare information from a gay male perspective. There is even a Glossary of terms and LIVE TWEET section. Our goal is to inform, combat stigma and create a safe space for gay males to educate themselves about proper healthcare and become better medical, community, sexual and relationship partners.

Call to Action

  1. Visit the website and explore the content
  2. Read the articles and click on the links to the research
  3. Make decisions that work best for your real life
  4. Tell your friends about us
  5. Talk to your sexual partners about your STD history
  6. Talk to your medical providers
  7. Follow us on Twitter (@gaymalejournal) & Facebook (Gaymalejournal)
  8. Make a tax deductible donation to help us, help you

About us

The Gay Male Journal is a product of The Gay Male Rights Project, Inc. A non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization located in New York City, New York. Our mission is to inform and educate gay males regarding general, sexual, mental healthcare and wellness.


Stats on some of the major healthcare issues facing the gay male and MSM community:

  • Gay and other men who have sex with men make up more than half of the people living with HIV in the United States and experience two thirds of all new HIV infections each year.
  • Young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men 13-24 had over 72% of the estimated new HIV infections in 2010.
  • In 2012, 75% of reported syphilis cases were among gay and bisexual men.
  • Among all gay and bisexual men who received an HIV diagnosis in the United States in 2015, African Americans accounted for the highest number (10,315; 39%), followed by whites (7,570; 29%) and Hispanics/Latinos (7,013; 27%).
  • In 2015, youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for 22% of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States. Most of those new diagnoses among youth (81%) occurred among gay and bisexual males
  • Studies over the past decade suggest that gay men smoke at higher rates than men in the general U.S. population
  • The Victimization by Sexual Orientation Report has shown that 26% of gay and 37% bisexual men experience intimate partner violence at some point in their lifetime.
  • Males in the United States are more likely to take their own life at nearly four times the rate of females and represent 79% of all U.S. suicides. Suicide is the seventh leading cause of death for males in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are at even greater risk for suicide attempts, especially before the age of 25
  • Number/% of gay males with mental or emotional health concerns: unknown
  • Number/% of homeless gay males: unknown
  • Number/% of gay males diagnosed with various cancers: unknown
  • Number/% of gay males experiencing work/housing discrimination: unknown