There have been numerous articles and blogs about how painful anal sex can be for the receptive partner (bottom), but there are known medical reasons why topping can be painful. These issues have nothing to do with his current sexual partner or their bodies (like too tight rectum or needing more lube). Instead, this pain is associated with the top’s body and sexual history alone. Sex is a two (2) way street; pain or discomfort can happen to either party, at any time, for multiple reasons.
We know medical problems that affect your junk are not fun to discuss, but these are real issues that many guys go through that put them off anal intercourse. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we strongly suggest seeing your doctor or, if necessary, a urologist for care.
NOTE: These are medical issues that can affect any guy because it has more to do with your dick than where you stick it. Meaning, that you can experience some of these concerns when having solo sex (jerking off) or when you are the receptive/oral partner.
This is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland that can cause swelling and pain in the area behind your penis (just below your bladder), pain or burning when urinating, and painful ejaculation.
Urinary tract infections
You’ll want to treat one of these because they can spread and become very serious.
Yeast infections
These are sometimes characterized by itching or burning at the tip of the penis.
Allergies and sensitivity to chemicals or soaps can cause an inflammation of the skin on the penis, especially for uncircumcised men.
If you have genital herpes, a sore on your penis can make for excruciating sex; it’s better for the healing process to refrain from sex. Also, such sores are highly infectious.
These scaly, red patches are not infectious and may be treated with low-potency steroid creams.
In this condition, the foreskin is too tight to be retracted entirely over the head of the penis.
The foreskin is stuck behind the head of the penis and can’t be pulled forward.
Most common issues:
- Deformities of the Penis
Conditions such as hypospadias or scar tissue from previous traumas or infections can cause painful intercourse. Growths (benign or cancerous) and urinary tract stones could also be a factor. A urologist (in the case of stones) or another medical professional (for growths or other problems) may be able to help.
- Priapis.
This is a condition where a non-sexual and often painful and sustained erection occurs. This might occur naturally or, more likely, due to medications and/or party drugs.
- Allergy
Some men may experience an allergic reaction to the chemicals found in various forms of contraception. A medical professional can help determine if you’re allergic to latex or other forms of contraception.
- Hypersensitivity
The penis can become very sensitive after orgasm and ejaculation, which can make continued intercourse painful. This may mean you must limit how often you have intercourse with your partner on a given day. Even without intercourse, there are ways to pleasure your partner or be intimate with your mate.

Rare, but can happen:
Penile Fracture (Broken dick)
If you’ve fractured your penis, you’ll usually know immediately. One of the most telling symptoms is a cracking or popping sound—that’s the tissue tearing. You’ll also probably lose your erection right away, similar to what happens if you stick a pin in a blown-up balloon. Then comes swelling, black-and-blue bruising, and, of course, pain. Lots and lots of pain. There may also be blood when you urinate, which means your urethra has ripped.
Taking care of your penis is the best way to ensure good sexual health. Do not ignore signs that something may be wrong, including having painful intercourse.
Tags: painful intercourse, painful sex, penis