As huge proponents of masturbation, we would be remiss if we did not discuss anal techniques as well as penile ones. There are many benefits to both types of sexual gratification. It all depends on your level of enjoyment of anal play and your desire to explore a different kind of orgasmic experience other than just penile. Learning about assturbation and anal orgasms will change your life for the better.
Let’s begin…
The Urban Dictionary defines assturbation as masturbation restricted to the ass region. Usually performed by placing dildos, buttplugs, fingers, toothbrushes, or whatever else may be handy into the anal cavity. Lube is optional but highly recommended.
Of course, we would never recommend you stick objects such as toothbrushes or “whatever else may be handy” inside your rectum, but we are sure you get the point of this definition. Anal play is a natural and healthy sexual activity that, like penile masturbation, can be highly enjoyable on your own and with a partner(s). With some basic education and minimal skill sets, pleasuring your, or his, anus can become a very enjoyable activity.
Assturbation is all about the prostate and being able to stimulate it properly.
Are there Benefits to Prostate Massaging?
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces most of the fluid in semen. When you ejaculate, the prostate’s muscles push this fluid out through your urethra.
Another person can give a prostate massage, but you can also give yourself a prostate massage by inserting a finger into your anus, gently pressing against it, and gently massaging your prostate, which sits like a soft, rubbery circle up toward your belly button in front of your rectum.
The longstanding theory behind a prostate massage is that it helps express stagnant fluid and relieve symptoms of erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, prostatitis, and pain in your pelvic region. But there needs to be more research into these areas, as there isn’t yet enough evidence to support these claims beyond small, anecdotal cases.
People who seek a prostate massage to relieve symptoms often have pelvic pain or a history of what they’ve been told is prostatitis. Prostatitis is inflammation or infection of the prostate — and while it can be painful, it can often be treated with antibiotics or other treatments.
According to urologist Petar Bajic, MD, prostate massage, sometimes called prostatic massage, is a historical treatment that has no place in modern urologic practice.
One of the most common causes of pelvic pain is pelvic floor dysfunction, a common condition associated with the inability to relax or coordinate your pelvic floor muscles in order to urinate or have a bowel movement.
“Healthcare providers sometimes misdiagnose pelvic floor dysfunction as a prostate problem,” says Dr. Bajic. “But the underlying issue is usually in the muscles that support the pelvis.”
Prostate massages were more common decades ago, says Dr. Bajic. But when providers massaged the prostate, they unknowingly massaged the internal pelvic floor muscles, and that’s why people’s symptoms improved temporarily.
If you, or any man in your life, is experiencing any of the listed ailments or symptoms, it is best to see your medical provider as soon as possible and discuss your options for treatment with him.
What is not in doubt is the sexual pleasure and enjoyment one may get from having his prostate massaged.
Inserting a finger, penis, or device into the anus and stimulating the prostate can lead to orgasm for some people. You can also stimulate the gland from the outside by massaging the prostate through the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum. Orgasm achieved solely through perineum massage is sometimes known as perineum orgasm.
Nerve endings surround the prostate, and some people find that massage can feel good even if they don’t have an orgasm.
Difference between an orgasm and ejaculation
Many guys conflate having an orgasm with ejaculation. Yes, these two go hand-in-hand for many, but that is due to the type of sexual stimulation and even duration. It is possible, and for some, desirable to have an orgasm without ejaculating. Knowing the difference will help assist you in your endeavors to pleasure your prostate properly.
There is no standard definition of orgasm. Each specialty, such as endocrinology or psychology, examines this activity from each one’s perspective, making it difficult to reach a consensus on the definition.
There are five (5) types of male orgasms:
Ejaculatory This is your standard orgasm, as you stimulate the nerve endings in your penis to your liking.
Pelvic A pelvic orgasm is achieved through a technique called edging. Proponents of the edging technique claim that orgasms are eventually much more intense and pleasurable.
Retrograde With a retrograde orgasm, you stimulate yourself to climax. When you come, instead of the semen exiting your penis, it somehow makes its way back into the bladder — resulting in a minimally, if not entirely, dry orgasm. It’s technically considered a sexual dysfunction; if you’re experiencing these, it’s worth contacting a healthcare professional immediately.
Prostate Many men find that when pressure is applied to the prostate through either indirect or direct pressure, the pleasure is intense enough to achieve orgasm without penile stimulation.
Dry A dry orgasm is one where all the physical and psychological aspects of orgasm have been achieved, but semen is not produced. This is most common with pre-pubescent boys, those who have “exhausted” the supply of produced semen within a short period, or when orgasm has been produced through prostate massage alone.
Certain physiological features are associated with orgasm, including hyperventilation of up to 40 breaths/min, tachycardia, and high blood pressure. Orgasm is also associated with powerful and highly pleasurable pelvic muscle contractions (especially ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus), along with rectal sphincter contractions and facial grimacing. There is also an associated release and elevation in PRL and oxytocin levels after orgasm; however, the significance of this elevation is not entirely clear.
The quality and intensity of orgasms are variable. For instance, short, fast buildup of sexual stimulation toward orgasm is associated with less intense orgasms than a slow buildup. Early orgasms are less satisfying than later orgasms in life as the person learns to accept the pleasure associated with orgasms. Lower levels of androgen are associated with weaker orgasms, such as in hypogonadism or in older age. It has been suggested that pelvic muscle exercises, particularly the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles, through contracting those muscles 60 times three times daily for six weeks will enhance the pleasure associated with orgasm.
Following orgasm in men is a temporary period of inhibition of erection or ejaculation called the refractory period. This is a poorly understood phenomenon, with some investigators suggesting a central rather than spinal mechanism causing it.
Arousal and orgasm are complex processes involving the nerves, brain, hormones, and sex organs. There is a lot that doctors still don’t know about them. However, penile orgasm generally happens through the stimulation of the penis, and prostate orgasm is through the stimulation of the prostate.
In general, prostate orgasms are thought to be more intense than penile orgasms. For one thing, penile orgasms are associated with 4-8 pelvic contractions, while prostatic massage orgasms are associated with 12.
In general, prostate orgasms require a shorter refractory period, or recovery time, than penile orgasms. For that reason, prostate orgasms are sometimes associated with the possibility of multiple orgasms.
It’s possible to have a prostate and penile orgasm simultaneously or one after another, and some people find that this combination provides the most intense orgasm. However, you may lose your erection after a prostate orgasm, which can prevent or delay penile orgasm.
Ejaculation is the discharge of semen (the ejaculate, normally containing sperm) from the male reproductory tract due to an orgasm. A usual precursor to ejaculation is the sexual arousal of the male, leading to the erection of the penis, though not every arousal nor erection leads to ejaculation. Penile sexual stimulation during masturbation or anal, oral, or non-penetrative sexual activity may provide the necessary stimulus for a man to achieve orgasm and ejaculation.
When a man has achieved sufficient stimulation and orgasm, ejaculation begins. At that point, under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, semen containing sperm is produced (emission). The semen is ejected through the urethra with rhythmic contractions. These rhythmic contractions are part of the male orgasm. They are generated by the bulbospongiosus and pubococcygeus muscles under the control of a spinal reflex at the level of the spinal nerves S2–4 via the pudendal nerve. The typical male orgasm lasts several seconds.
After the start of orgasm, pulses of semen begin to flow from the urethra, reach a peak discharge and then diminish in flow. The typical orgasm consists of 10 to 15 contractions, although the man is unlikely to be consciously aware of that many. Once the first contraction has taken place, ejaculation will continue to completion as an involuntary process. At this stage, ejaculation cannot be stopped. The rate of contractions gradually slows during the orgasm. Initial contractions occur at an average interval of 0.6 seconds with an increasing increment of 0.1 seconds per contraction. Contractions of most men proceed at regular rhythmic intervals for the duration of the orgasm. Many men also experience additional irregular contractions at the conclusion of the orgasm.
Ejaculation usually begins during the first or second contraction of the orgasm. For most men, the first ejection of semen occurs during the second contraction, while the second is typically the largest expelling 40% or more of total semen discharge. After this peak, the magnitude of semen the penis emits diminishes as the contractions begin to lessen in intensity. The muscle contractions of the orgasm can continue after ejaculation with no additional semen discharge occurring.
A small sample study of seven men showed an average of 7 spurts of semen followed by an average of 10 more contractions with no semen expelled. This study also found a high correlation between the number of spurts of semen and total ejaculate volume, i.e., larger semen volumes resulted from additional pulses of semen rather than more significant individual spurts.
Alfred Kinsey measured the distance of ejaculation in “some hundreds” of men. In three-quarters of men tested, ejaculate “is propelled with so little force that the liquid is not carried more than a minute distance beyond the tip of the penis.” In contrast to those test subjects, Kinsey noted, “In other males, the semen may be propelled from a matter of some inches to a foot or two, or even as far as five or six and (rarely) eight feet.” Masters and Johnson report ejaculation distance to be no greater than 30–60 cm. During the series of contractions that accompany ejaculation, semen is propelled from the urethra at 500 cm/s (200 in/s), close to 18 km/h (11 mph).
The force and amount of semen that will be ejected during an ejaculation will vary widely between men and may contain between 0.1 and 10 milliliters (by way of comparison, note that a teaspoon is 5 ml and a tablespoon holds 15 ml). Adult semen volume is affected by the time that has passed since the previous ejaculation; larger semen volumes are seen with greater durations of abstinence. The duration of the stimulation leading up to the ejaculation can affect the volume.
Semen is the liquid ejaculated during an orgasm. Sperm is the male reproductive cell and is only a component of semen.
Most of the fluid in semen comprises secretions from male reproductive organs. Semen contains citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, enzymes, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, potassium, and zinc.
- 46 to 80 percent of the fluid is produced by the seminal vesicles
- 13 to 33 percent by the prostate gland
- 5 percent from the testicles and epididymis
- 2-5 percent from Bulbourethral and urethral glands
Health Benefits of Ejaculation
- Reduces your chance of heart disease
- May reduce the risk of prostate cancer
- Boosts oxytocin levels to relieve stress
- Boosts your immune system
- Help you sleep better
- Improve migraine symptoms
The P spot!
There isn’t a medical definition of the male G-spot or P-spot, but it’s best described as a sensitive portion on the surface of your prostate that you can feel through the wall of your rectum. (When you push against the rectum wall, your prostate will feel like a rounded lump of tissue.)
The P-spot is thought to be composed of a dense bundle of nerve endings, and stimulating those nerves can produce intense sexual pleasure. Interestingly, scientists are not exactly sure how prostate stimulation induces ecstatic feelings. Some think it’s thanks to the nerves passing along the outer surface of the gland (prostatic plexus), while others suggest it is via the nervous innervation of the prostate itself.
You can stimulate your P-spot by rubbing or otherwise stimulating your perineum (aka your taint). That’s the area of skin between your scrotum and anus. Your prostate is basically up above your taint.
P-spot orgasms are said to feel similar to penile orgasms, only way more intense and felt through the entire body. There are reports of guys having super orgasms, which are a stream of fast, continuous orgasms that cause the body to shudder.
Hands-Free ejaculation vs. Anal orgasm
The difference between the two is related to where the orgasm originates and whether or not ejaculation occurs. In other words, anyone can have an anal orgasm, but only males may ejaculate hands-free.
Anal orgasms are involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions that a person experiences while penetrating or applying stimulation around their anus.
For some guys, along with the intense feelings associated with an anal orgasm, it is not unusual for them to produce a thin, milky fluid called prostate fluid. This fluid is not to be confused with semen or pre-ejaculate (precum).
On the other hand, hands-free ejaculation is achieved solely by the stimulation of the prostate to illicit ejaculation without the use of any other physical contact with the penis. The most common method is through anal sex, where the inserting partner uses his penis to massage and stimulate the receptive partner’s prostate. But dildos, buttplugs, and even fingers/fists have been known to produce the desired effects.
When experiencing a hands-free ejaculation, males have been known not to experience an orgasm but will release semen.
There is no significant benefit to experiencing one over the other; it all depends on you and your partner(s). Some find anal orgasms too challenging to induce, while others enjoy their partners’ being able to ejaculate from their penis movements alone.
If you enjoy long sessions, alone or with a partner, either will increase your time frame and enjoyment.
In general, prostate orgasms require a shorter refractory period, or recovery time, than penile orgasms. For that reason, prostate orgasms are sometimes associated with the possibility of multiple orgasms.
Tips for best results
Any sort of enjoyment from anal play is dependent upon the parties involved. Some guys hate it, and nothing can be done to increase their desire to participate. Others love it!
The best results start with at least having a fundamental interest in anal play. Everything else is up to you. But here are some methods and sexual aids that have worked for other guys.
It should go without saying that anal play REQUIRES a great deal of patience and LUBRICATION!!!
The prostate—a.k.a. the “P spot”—can be stimulated in several ways. Direct stimulation via manual massage can be done by gently inserting a finger roughly two inches into the rectum. Make sure your nails are trimmed and your hands are clean, or use a glove.
The prostate may also be stimulated from outside the body by concentrating on the area between the penis and the rectum.
The best results are achieved when continuous contact is established.
With a penis or penis-shaped object
Of course, your partner’s penis is a perfect tool to massage your prostate. But so are some man-made products like butt plugs and dildos. The benefit of toys is that they may be used during solo play and with partners. Also, size, length, and width are easily exchanged with the swapping of items. There are also many toys specifically made to stimulate the prostate.
With fingers
- Come hither. Gently insert your lubed index finger into the anus and curl your finger upward in a “come hither” motion toward the belly button. Keep repeating the motion while gradually increasing your speed as the pleasure builds.
- Doorbell. Rest the pad of your finger against the outside of the prostate and gently press as you would to ring a doorbell. Mix it up by using different pressure or holding the press for shorter and longer intervals to find what works. You can use the doorbell technique when penetrating the anus, too.
- Circling. Use the pad of your finger and run it all around the prostate, circling your way around the entire perimeter of the gland. Change up the pressure and speed and continue with the combo that feels best, allowing the pleasure to build up.
- Simulated vibration. Any move that feels good can be sped up to the point of feeling like a vibrator. This can be a little hard on the wrist after a while, so it’s best to save this kind of speed for when the orgasm is close.
Positions to try
Different positions can make reaching and pleasuring the prostate easier. These positions work for external and internal prostate stimulation, alone and with a partner.
Face down
To do this by yourself:
- Lie face down.
- Reach your arm behind you and rest it on your back.
- Reach your perineum or anus with your finger.
To do this with a partner:
- Lie face down with your arms at your sides and legs slightly apart.
- Have them sit next to you on the side most comfortable for them.
- Have them gently massage your prostate.
Legs up
To do this by yourself:
- Lie on your back.
- Pull your knees up towards your chest as close as you can comfortably.
- Use one arm to hold your legs in place.
- Use your other hand to reach your anus.
To do this with a partner:
- Lie on your back.
- Pull your knees up towards your chest, holding them in place with both hands.
- Have them kneel in front of you and massage your prostate internally, externally, or both simultaneously.
On your side, one leg to the chest
- Lie on your side.
- Bring your outer leg up towards your chest.
- Reach your hand around to your anus.
To do this with a partner:
- Lie on your side.
- Bring your outer leg towards your chest.
- Have them sit behind you to reach your anus.
To do this by yourself:
- Get down on all fours.
- Reach your arm between your legs or around your back to reach your anus.
To do this with a partner:
- Get down on all fours.
- Have them kneel behind you to reach your anus.
Before you go…
Gay males have always been associated with anal play, whether we like it or not. Prostate massaging and penile penetration are not the same things. Some guys prefer one over the other, and some guys prefer neither. There are no wrong answers. So, take this information and experiment on a level that is comfortable for you and your sexual partners.
Tags: anal orgasm, assturbation, ejaculation, handsfree orgasm, orgasm, P spot, prostate massage