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- A mental health overview
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- Gonorrhea
- Hepatitis A and B
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes
- HIV & Race
- HIV 101
- HIV: A Conversation
- How to Find a Doctor: Advanced
- How to Find a Doctor: Basic
- HPV (oral/anal cancer)
- Mental Health Subpage
- Penis care and maintenance
- Penis Primer
- Pride and Joy
- Should I Take Prep?
- Sitemap
- STDs & Hooking Up
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- Terms & Conditions
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- What is PrEP?
- Categories
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- Recent Posts
- Anal douching is harmful to your health!
- Hand washing for BETTER sexual & general health
- Debunking HIV lies, myths & misconceptions for gay males
- How to live a LONG, HEALTHY life with HIV
- Testosterone: The facts every gay male needs to know.
- How to stay safe and STD free when hooking up
- Erections: what EVERY gay man needs to know
- Gay Male Body Dysmorphia, Anorexia & Eating disorders
- G.A.Y and your J.O.B. (Pros & Cons of being out)
- 6 Cancers every gay male should know
- Fighting HIV stigma & trauma with PrEP and #UequalsU
- Debunking MORE anal sex myths
- Painful penis problems
- TIPS for finding a doctor as a gay male (BASIC)
- 10 FACTS about Gay Male Sex
- Vaccinations every gay male needs!
- Does Size REALLY matter?
- The Fantastic Fore-Skin
- HOOKING UP: Stranger Danger
- STOP stigmatizing condomless sex (barebacking)!
- Your Gay Male Dental Hygiene
- NO! Monkey (M) pox hasn’t gone away
- Beyond Clothing: Naturism for Gay Men
- How society has harmed your gay male sex life
- Are you a friend of Crystal’s
- HIV prevention vid for guys who hate condoms
- Anal sex is A-OK!
- HUMANGAYMALE: Events to Rebuild the Gay Community
- Finally, Debunking some GAY ANAL SEX Myths!
- So, you THINK you MIGHT have an STD: Now what?
- What’s Wrong with my BUTT: ANAL ITCH
- Peeing Problems you should NEVER ignore!
- Great Gay Male Health:
- The Benefits of Walking
- Safer Sex (2.0)
- Why you need to break-up with your beer gut
- Water: Drink some!
- Condoms aren’t 99% anything for gays
- M. genitalium: The STD you’ve never heard of
- How your actions are harming other gay males
- COCK talk!
- Beware of where you spend your gay male dollars
- Why focus on Gay Male Health?
- Call us homosexuals or Gay but #neverqueer
- You’re being LIED to about Prep Failures
- What gay males really need to know about #uequalsu
- Prep fails Someone, but don’t freak out
- The Best Diet for Digestion and Anal Sex!
- Poppers (FACTS vs MYTHS)
- What you need to know about Chemsex
- UNCOMFORTABLE facts about bottom shaming
- Precautions and tips for L & XL Dildo/Fist anal penetration